Formative Assessment-Powerpoint Presentation


child development
Mine  Tana
Mind Map by Mine Tana, updated more than 1 year ago
Mine  Tana
Created by Mine Tana over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Formative Assessment-Powerpoint Presentation
  1. Introduction should clearly include learning outcomes and what your presentation is about
    1. choose a minimum of 3 pioneer theorists and briefly summarise their ideas on child development-how have their ideas influenced practice? make links teaching strategies eg child led activitied/adult led aactivities and to the EYFS learning and development outcomes throughtout
      1. select one of the current theorists you have been researching and explain how their ideas have influenced current practice today again make links to the EYFS throughout
        1. reflect on and give examples of your own practice to illustrate how each theory has impacted upon practice.
          1. Explain how each theory has affected the quality of provision seen today- Look at research such as EPPE and the Nutbrown review (2012)
            1. Margaret Carr; Chris Athey; Tina Bruce, Helen Bitten; Margaret Donaldson; Robbie Case; Robert Sieglers; Alan Leslie; Elizabeth Jarman
            2. Make sure you include references throughout your notes using the Harvard referencing system you have been taught by Kate.
              1. You must inlcude a bibliography of all your sources in a clear alphabetical order on a seperate slide/page
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