

Biological Molecules
Mind Map by catherallhannah, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by catherallhannah over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Carbohydrates
    1. 3 functions
      1. Energy Source
        1. e.g. Glucose releases energy through respiration
        2. Storage
          1. e.g. Starch in plants
            1. e.g. Glycogen in animals
            2. Structure
              1. e.g. cellulose cell wall in plants
                1. Gives structural support and tensile strength
            3. Monosaccharide's and disaccharides
              1. Monosaccharide's
                1. Sweet
                  1. Soluble in water
                    1. Crystalline
                    2. Glucose
                      1. alpha glucose
                        1. the OH group is below the plane of the molecule
                        2. Beta Glucose
                          1. The oH group on Carbon 1 is above the plane of the molecule
                          2. Hydrolysis Breaks bonds by adding a water molecule
                            1. Condensation forms bond by eliminating water molecule
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