Key Issue: What was the Flight of the Earls and how did it allow Ulster to be planted?


A Level History (Plantations) Mind Map on Key Issue: What was the Flight of the Earls and how did it allow Ulster to be planted?, created by straynor1 on 02/12/2013.
Mind Map by straynor1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by straynor1 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Key Issue: What was the Flight of the Earls and how did it allow Ulster to be planted?
  1. Who were O'Neill's enemies and what did they think about him?
    1. When did it take place?
      1. Who was involved?
        1. What did Sir Arthur Chichester think?
          1. What did O'Neill have to do in order to keep his land?
            1. Where did they go?
              1. How many people fled?
                1. Did Ulster have any leaders when they left?
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