Pet Wars


second book project this year
Emma Dunker
Mind Map by Emma Dunker, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Dunker
Created by Emma Dunker almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Pet Wars
  1. Characters
    1. Malcom
      1. Friendly
        1. Smart
        2. Otto
          1. Competitive
            1. Not responsible
            2. Lexi
              1. Smart
                1. Responsible
              2. Theme
                1. Message: You might be more successful if you work together rather than seperately
                  1. He worked really hard to earn the money but he didn't get enough. He gave his money to his sister to combine with hers to get a cat. Then his dad got him a dog as a surprise.
                  2. Setting
                    1. His Dad's apartment
                      1. His Neighborhood: Park, House, streets around house
                      2. Main Conflict
                        1. Cause: He asked for a dog and his mom almost said yes if he would help pay but then his sister proposed that there should be a contest and his mom loved the idea.
                          1. Conflict: Otto has to earn 500 dollars in 1 month if he is to get a dog. But he can't let his sister beat him because then they would get a cat.
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