Opponents to Nazism


History Mind Map on Opponents to Nazism, created by kristine.ankjer on 10/04/2013.
Mind Map by kristine.ankjer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kristine.ankjer about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Opponents to Nazism
  1. the Churches
    1. amongst Protestants, the Confessional Church fairly successfully resisted nazification, but more concerned to defend Church than resist regime itself
    2. Youth
      1. various alternative and opposition youth groups developed, including Swing Youth and the Edelweiss Pirates
        1. there were some organized university groups
          1. e.g. the White Rose. Criticized, distributed leaflets, contacted opposition. Members eventually arrested and leaders executed
        2. the army
          1. aristocratic officers were generally suspicious. They initially co-operated but relations later broke down
            1. several officers were involved in failed assassination attempts, most notably in the July 1944 Bomb Plot
            2. Government and the Civil Service
              1. Initially, there were some critics within the government
                1. e.g. in June 1934 Papen pleaded in a speech for greater freedom and in August 1935 Schacht deplored anti-semitic violence
                2. some government officials planned an alternative government and maintained contacts with other opponents
                3. Judiciary
                  1. some judges tried to maintain proper standard of justice despite an increasingly arbitrary system, with growing intervention of SS and special courts
                  2. the workers
                    1. opposition parties
                      1. Traditional elites
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