Russia's Early Economic Policies


A-Level History (Russia) Mind Map on Russia's Early Economic Policies, created by Amy Le Grys on 07/01/2016.
Amy Le Grys
Mind Map by Amy Le Grys, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sarah.hesbrook over 8 years ago
Amy Le Grys
Copied by Amy Le Grys over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Russia's Early Economic Policies
  1. Ivan Vyshnegradsky: Finance Minister 1887 - 1895
    1. Offered financial incentives for peasants to migrate to Siberia, taking some pressure off the demand for land.
      1. He began to finance Russian economic development from foreign loans, laying the foundations for the rapid economic development of Russia during the 1890's.
      2. Sergei Witte: Finance Minster 1892 - 1903
        1. The 'Great Spurt'
          1. Taxes were raised on the peasentry to pay for Russia's industrialisation.
            1. Sergei aimed to increase Russia's industrial output.
              1. This also allowed Russia to develop its military power.
              2. Oversaw the builiding of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which streched from Moscow to Vladivostok
                1. Rapid growth of towns and cities led to the creation of poor living and working conditions.
                  1. This provided an environment for the development of social unrest and support for radical alternatives to Tsarism.
                2. He wanted to modernise Russia's economy so it could compete with the west. However, he had no money to do so.
                  1. Raised tariffs on foreign goods
                    1. Raised interest rates on loads
                      1. The industrial revolution didn't happen in Russia and highly relied on agriculture. 80% of Russia's population were peasants.
                      2. Put Russia on the Gold Standard
                      3. Peter Stolypin: Prime Minister 1906 - 1911
                        1. Stolypin embarked on a reform programme which transformed the Russian countryside.
                          1. On the 9th November 1906: peasants were freed from the control of the commune.
                            1. The Peasant Land Bank were instructed to give loans to peasants leaving the commune.
                              1. Abolishment of redemption payments 1907
                              2. He encouraged peasantd to move to undeveloped agricultural areas of Siberia.
                                1. Incentive of cheap land financed by government loans.
                                2. In 1905, about 20% of peasants had ownership of their own land.
                                  1. By 1915, this figure had risen to 50%
                                    1. In addition to this, agricultural production rose from 45.9 million tonnes in 1906 to 61.7 million in 1913.
                                    2. Little was done to improve the living and working conditions of Russia's industrial workers.
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                                    6. New Economic Policy (NEP)
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