
Outline the components of fitness, both health and skill related. Includes Definitions of components, and tests.
Deena Aschkar
Mind Map by Deena Aschkar, updated more than 1 year ago
Deena Aschkar
Created by Deena Aschkar almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Fitness
    1. Health Related
      1. Stamina/cardiovascular endurance
        1. The ability to exercise the body for a long period of time
          1. Cooper test/ Bleep test
          2. Muscular Endurance
            1. The ability to use voluntary muscles for a long time without getting tired
              1. Push-up test/ Set-up test
              2. Strength
                1. The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
                  1. One rep max
                  2. Flexibility
                    1. Is the range of movement possible at a joint
                      1. Sit & reach
                      2. Body Composition
                        1. Is the percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle or bone
                          1. Skin fold test
                        2. Skill Related
                          1. Agility
                            1. Be able to change direction at speed with control
                              1. Illinios test
                              2. Balance
                                1. The ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support
                                  1. Y shape
                                  2. Co-ordination
                                    1. To be able to use more than one body part at the same time.
                                      1. Batak
                                      2. Explosive Power
                                        1. The ability to use strength at speed
                                          1. Standing Broad Jump
                                          2. Fast Reaction
                                            1. Time it takes to respond to stimuli
                                              1. Batak
                                              2. Speed
                                                1. The different rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time, or how quickly an individual can move
                                            2. Fitness
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