South Africa: Spatial Patterns of Political and Economic Development 1652 - 1948


South & Southern Africa Mind Map on South Africa: Spatial Patterns of Political and Economic Development 1652 - 1948, created by rosiep on 22/12/2013.
Mind Map by rosiep, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rosiep over 10 years ago

Resource summary

South Africa: Spatial Patterns of Political and Economic Development 1652 - 1948
  1. The Great Trek
    1. Victims of the Trek
    2. The Eastern Frontier
      1. The Migrant Labour System
        1. Discovery of diamonds at Kimberley
          1. 1871 - 50,000 people
          2. The Rand
            1. influx of whites - SA & UK; Boers felt rural lifestyle was being threatened
            2. Railway
              1. Jameson Raid
                1. Cecil Rhodes aimed to overthrow Transvaal gov
                2. Anglo Boer War
                  1. 1910 Act of Union
                    1. liberal veiw - Thompson, 1971
                      1. Marxist view - Atmore & Marx, 1974
                      2. Agriculture After 1910 Union
                        1. 1913 Native Land Act
                          1. 'scheduled native areas' = 8.9 million hectares; 7.3% of SA; Africans 67% of pop confined to these areas unless working for whites outside reserves or on mines; prohibited purchase of land outside reserves except in the Cape province
                          2. 1916 Beaumont Commission
                            1. recognition that land was insufficient >> recommendations of
                            2. 1936 Native Trust & Land Act
                              1. 'poor white' problem
                              2. Industrialisation
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