Britain in North Africa 1868 - 1902 (2)


A Levels History (Key Issue 1 - Africa) Mind Map on Britain in North Africa 1868 - 1902 (2), created by dottydiva96 on 27/12/2013.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Britain in North Africa 1868 - 1902 (2)
  1. Missionary
    1. British felt that they were a natural governing race with a mission to bring good government and liberal ideas to the whole world
    2. Routes to India
      1. Suez Canal provided ability to develop communications with India and Red Sea
        1. Suez Canal allowed supplies, troops and communications to India in around 37 days, compared to 3 months by way of Cape
        2. Economic
          1. 1876 - four foreign controllers brought to manage in to manage dept, representing Britain, Italy, France and Germany
            1. 1876 - System of dual control established with a controller from France and Britain to supervise Egyptian economy
              1. Didn't solve economic problem
                1. 1870 - new Khedive in Egypt
              2. British government motivated to protect the interest of European bondholders in Egypt
              3. Strategic
                1. Threat of French control and Russian intervention
                  1. 1875 - Disraeli purchased Khedive shares so they didn't fall into enemy hands
                    1. 1882 - British called for a naval bombardment of Alexandria and defeated Egyptian army
                      1. Robinson and Gallagher saw motives to occupy Egypt as linked to security of routes to India
                        1. 1880 - Gladstone took over and stated 'apart from the Suez Canal we have no interest in Egypt'
                          1. 1898 - British occupied Sudan so other powers (esp. France) wouldn't
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