2nd Moroccan Crisis


A2 History Mind Map on 2nd Moroccan Crisis, created by Lauren M on 12/28/2013.
Lauren M
Mind Map by Lauren M, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren M
Created by Lauren M about 11 years ago

Resource summary

2nd Moroccan Crisis
  1. Causes
    1. 1908 French installed a pro French ruler in charge of Morocco
      1. 1911 there was rebellion against the ruler
        1. This was put down with French help
        2. French wanted full control so tried to take over again
          1. French said they would compensate German if its trade suffered
          2. Events
            1. Germany sent a gun boat 'The Panther' to Agadir
              1. Britain was worried that Germany was going to set up a naval base in Agadir
                1. They didn't want naval ships in the Mediterranean
                2. Another conference was called
                3. Consequences
                  1. Britain and France stood firm against Germany again
                    1. France took control of Morocco
                      1. In compensation, Germany was given 100,000 square miles of Congo
                        1. The land was mostly swamp and jungle
                        2. Britain and France signed a naval agreement
                          1. France patrol the Mediterranean and Britain France's Alantic and North sea
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