Genetic Factors


A2 Psychology (Aggression) Mind Map on Genetic Factors, created by jones.william161 on 14/01/2014.
Mind Map by jones.william161, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jones.william161 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Genetic Factors
  1. Twins
    1. Monozygotic


      • Share all genes.
      1. Dizygotic


        • Share only 50% of genes.
        1. Studies


          • Compare degree of similarity for a specific trait between sets of monozygotic twins to similarity between sets of dizygotic twins.
          • If MZ twins more alike in terms of aggressive behaviour, due to genes. 
          • Studys specifically studying aggressive behaviour using adult twins found a 50% variance in direct aggressive behaviour attributed to genetic factors.
        2. Adoption
          1. Study


            • Positive correlation between aggressive behaviour in adopted children and aggressive behaviour in biological parents=genes.
            1. Denmark


              • Study of over 14,000 adoptions in Denmark found significant number of adopted boys with criminal convictions had biological parents with the same.
              • Low ecological validity as only looks in Denmark
            2. MAOA


              • Regulates metabolism of serotonin in brain, and low levels of serotonin is associated with impulse and aggressive behaviour.
              1. Brunner et al


                • 1980s. Dutch family found many of its aggressive male members to be involved in serious crimes. 
                • Due to abnormally low levels of MAOA, in which a defect was later found.
                1. Caspi et al


                  • Linked MAOA to aggressive behaviour. 500 male children. A variant associated with high MAOA, and variant with low MAOA. 
                  • Low=more likely to be aggressive, but only if they were maltreated as a child. Otherwise there was no aggression.
                  • Suggesting an interaction between genes and environment determines behaviour.
                2. Miles and Carey


                  • Meta-analysis of 24 twin and adoption studies that supported link between genes and aggression. 
                  • Most relied on self-report, with some observation. Results=strong genetic influence accounted for 50% variance in aggression. 
                  • Found that age differences is important, later ages the influence of environment decreased, but genes increased.
                  1. Individual Differences


                    • Those observational ratings were more environmental influence.
                  2. Convicts


                    • Many studies focus on individuals convicted of violent crimes. 2 problems wrong with this.
                    • 1. They only represent a small minority, as convictions of violent crimes for more than one instance is rare.
                    • 2.  May not be the most serious criminals, just labelled violent.
                    1. Walters


                      • Meta-analysis. Found low to moderate correlation for link between heredity and crime. 
                      • Thus, inconclusive evidence.
                      1. IDA-RWA


                        • Genetic engineering if we're prediposed to aggression. Thus, an awareness of limitations of these studies is important.
                        1. IDA-Animal Research


                          • Young et al-genetic mutation violence in mice. Effects include violence towards other mice. Counterpart to gene in humans.
                          • Cannot generalise to humans.
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