Nutrient Cycles


A-level BIOL4 Mind Map on Nutrient Cycles, created by prettypriyaz on 16/01/2014.
Mind Map by prettypriyaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by prettypriyaz over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nutrient Cycles
  1. Nitrogen Cycle
    1. 1. Ammonification
      1. is the production of ammonia from organic ammonium containing compounds such as urea which contains excessive amino acids.
      2. 2. Nitrification
        1. Free- living Nitrifying bacteria oxidise ammonia to nitrite. This is then oxidise to Nitrate ions. This process release energy.
        2. 3.Nitrogen Fixation
          1. Mutualistic Bacteria
            1. lives in the nodules of leguminous plants.
              1. Bacteria obtain the carbohydrates from the plants and Plants obtain amino acids from the baceria
            2. Nitrogen Fixing bacteria
              1. Convert nitrogen gas into ammonia
            3. Denitrification
              1. Anaerobic dentrifying bacteria convert soil nitrates into Nitrogen gas
            4. Carbon cycle
              1. Saprobiotic microganisms
                1. Extracellular Digestion
                  1. They secrete enzymes on to the dead organisms and break down into simple molecules, which can then be absorbed
                    1. CO2 is released into the atmosphere when the microorganisms respire
              2. Environmental Consequences of Fertilisers
                1. Eutrophication
                  1. As the nitrate concentration increase, plants and algae grow exponentially and causes algal bloom. It forms a dense surface layer and prevents light reaching to lower depths. Light becomes a limiting factor. So plants and algae dies.
                2. Fertilisers
                  1. Organic Fertilisers
                    1. Cheap
                      1. Less Soluble
                        1. improves soil structure by binding to soil particles together and provides food for soil organisms like earthworms
                        2. Improves drainage & aeration
                      2. Inorganic Fertilisers
                        1. Leaching
                      3. Greenhouse Gas
                        1. CO2, Methane, Water vapour
                          1. Burning combustion release CO2
                            1. Clearing
                              1. Less Photosynthetic organism so less CO2 removed
                          2. Global warming
                            1. an increase in the earth's average temperature
                              1. Deforestation increase CO2 conentration
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                            AQA A2 Biology - Chapter 6 Nutrient Cycles
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