Impact of WWI


History (Mr Edmunds) Mind Map on Impact of WWI, created by Katie Mortley on 17/04/2013.
Katie Mortley
Mind Map by Katie Mortley, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Mortley
Created by Katie Mortley about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Impact of WWI
  1. The Tsar's Downfall
    1. His actions
      1. September 1915 – The Tsar went to the front to take personal charge
        1. Held responsible for defeats
          1. Left the Tsarina and Rasputin in charge
            1. Rejecting the Duma and maintaining autocracy
              1. Refused requests from the Progressive Bloc
              2. Rasputin + Tsarina
                1. Put in charge by the Tsar whilst he was away at the front
                  1. Dismissed able ministers in favour of their friends who performed poorly
                    1. Changed ministers often
                      1. Totally discredited and ridiculed
                        1. Tsar blamed for putting them in charge
                          1. Dismissed the Progressive Bloc
                            1. Thought that the ZEMGOR and the War Industries committee were disloyal
                            2. Military Failures
                              1. Heavy defeats, lots of Russians killed in 1914 and 1915
                                1. Disillusion and anger about the way the Tsar and the Government conducted the War
                                  1. September 1915 – went to the Front to take charge – held personally responsible for defeats
                                    1. 1.8million soldier deaths
                                      1. 1.7million civilian deaths
                                        1. 4.9million casualties
                                        2. Conditions in Russia
                                          1. Acute distress in large cities
                                            1. Disruption of supplies
                                              1. Food, goods and raw materials in short supply
                                                1. Hundreds of factories closed down
                                                  1. Thousands of jobs lost
                                                    1. Prices rocketed = high inflation
                                                      1. Lack of fuel
                                                        1. National budget rose eightfold
                                                          1. Higher taxes, loans and borrowing from Britain and France
                                                            1. Prices rising 200% between August 1914 and Christmas 1916
                                                              1. Moscow went from receiving 2200 wagons of grain per month to 300
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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