The Hungarian Rising


History (Crises of The Cold War) Mind Map on The Hungarian Rising, created by KittyG-S on 18/04/2013.
Mind Map by KittyG-S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KittyG-S over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Hungarian Rising
  1. Stalin dies (1953)
    1. Khrushchev in power
      1. Rakosi is too much like Stalin - too hard-line
        1. Nagy is put in Rakosi's place (a nicer guy)
          1. Rakosi seized power again (1955)
            1. Hungarians don't like this (standards) = REBELLION
              1. Street fighting for 5 days
                1. Stalin's statue pulled down and dragged through streets and rebel prisoners released
                  1. Rakosi must resign
                    1. Soviet tanks moved in
                      1. Nagy Prime Minister
                        1. Soviets withdraw their tanks
                          1. Nagy suggests removal from Warsaw Pact and becoming neutral in the Cold War
                            1. Soviet troops re-enter November 1st
                              1. Took control of the radio stations so the Hungarian rebels couldn't organise themselves to fight
                                1. Soviets won
                                  1. Set up a new pro-Soviet government under Kadar
                                    1. Nagy shot
                                      1. Hungarians firmly under Soviet control
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