Hirtory of subtitling


Mind Map on Hirtory of subtitling, created by Anastasiia Tieni on 28/03/2016.
Anastasiia Tieni
Mind Map by Anastasiia Tieni, updated more than 1 year ago
Anastasiia Tieni
Created by Anastasiia Tieni about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Hirtory of subtitling
  1. 1927
    1. titles removed
      1. subtitles into the pictures
        1. quite cheap
          1. The Jazz singer
            1. pened in paris, january 26,1929
              1. the Singing Fool.
                1. new techniques
                  1. the optical method
                    1. 1930, Leif Eriksen
                      1. 1935
                        1. 932 R. Hruska, he invented a new method
                          1. early legible
                            1. difference subtitling for television
                              1. tv, german full-feature film Der Student von Praguue
                                1. 1980s changed drastically
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