The Impact of the EEC on Fisheries


Leaving Certificate History Mind Map on The Impact of the EEC on Fisheries, created by emma.lawler1803 on 05/02/2014.
Mind Map by emma.lawler1803, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emma.lawler1803 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Impact of the EEC on Fisheries
  1. Introduction
    1. Continental shelf around Ireland -> fertile
      1. Fishing industry made progress in 1960s, but was still underdeveloped
        1. 6000 full & part time fishermen (1973)
          1. Ireland had the smallest EEC fleet
            1. Denmark - 1/2 the size of Ireland, catch 20x bigger
            2. EEC entry negotiations
              1. agreement on fisheries
                1. Fishermen from other EEC countries able to fish in Irish waters
                  1. Ireland & Britain given a 10yr. exemption from free access rule
                    1. Ireland could benefit from increased European markets
                    2. Bord Iascaigh Mhara
                      1. Set up in 1952
                        1. 1973 - Ireland was still behind other countries
                          1. BIM opened offices to expand markets to the continent
                            1. ~develop added-value products ~develop more processing in Ireland
                          2. Iceland
                            1. 1975 - 200 mile exclusion zone
                              1. Deprived some EEC fleets of fishing waters
                                1. EEC declared 200 mile exclusion zone around its waters
                                2. More of an industry
                                  1. Improved processing facilities, better ports & marine engineering to service boats
                                    1. 1986 - 12,000 employed (full & part time work) Increase of 50% on 1975 levels
                                      1. More employed in ancillary industries
                                        1. West & north west ares
                                        2. Failures
                                          1. Inadequate business training for skippers & crew
                                            1. 80% of owners in arrears
                                              1. Increase in illegal fishing
                                              2. Irish Fisherman's Organisation
                                                1. 1974 to lobby the government
                                                  1. 50 mile limit for Irish fishermen
                                                    1. 6 ports blockaded in support of their demands
                                                    2. Garret Fitzgerald
                                                      1. Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                        1. Ireland allowed to double its catch
                                                          1. Govt. plan to expand fleet & industry
                                                            1. Fishing of herring banned
                                                            2. Common Fisheries Policy
                                                              1. 1983 - EEC system for the management of fisheries & aquaculture
                                                                1. Set fishing limits
                                                                  1. Established quotas & catches
                                                                    1. Developed a structural policy
                                                                    2. Conclusion
                                                                      1. prevented from reaching full potential (quotas)
                                                                        1. Grants & loans - better equipment
                                                                          1. Provided employment (increased by half)
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