Ecology Terms


Leaving Certificate Biology Mind Map on Ecology Terms, created by 08aliso.burge on 10/02/2014.
Mind Map by 08aliso.burge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 08aliso.burge about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ecology Terms
  1. Ecology - the study of the interactions between living things and their environment
    1. Biosphere - the part of the planet containing living things
      1. Ecosystem - a group of organisms that interact with their environment as a unit
        1. Habitat - the place where an animal or plant lives
          1. Population - all the member of the same species living in an area
            1. Community - all the different populations in an area
              1. Abiotic factors - non living factors
                1. Edaphic factors - factors relating to soil
                  1. Producers - organisms that carry out photosynthesis
                    1. Consumers - organisms that take in food from another organism
                      1. Food chain - a sequence of organisms in which one is eaten by the next member of the chain
                        1. Trophic level - a feeding stage in a food chain
                          1. Food web - two or more interlinked food chains
                            1. Pyramid of numbers represents the number of organisms at each trophic level
                              1. Niche - the role an organism plays in the community
                                1. Nutrient recycling - the way in which elements are exchanged between living and non living components of the ecosystem
                                  1. Competition - when organisms actively struggle for a resource that is in short supply
                                    1. Intra-specific competition - competition between members of the same species
                                      1. Inter-specific competition - competition between members of different species
                                        1. Contest competition - An active physical contest between two organisms
                                          1. Scramble competition - competing organisms get some of the resource
                                            1. Predation - the catching, killing and eating of another organism
                                              1. Predator - an organism that catches, kills and eats another organism
                                                1. Prey - an organism that is eaten by a predator
                                                  1. Parasitism - one organism (parasite) obtains its food from another organism (host)
                                                    1. Symbiosis - When two organisms live in close association and at least one benefits
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