

Mind Map on Food, created by Rachel Garvin on 13/05/2016.
Rachel Garvin
Mind Map by Rachel Garvin, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Garvin
Created by Rachel Garvin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A Balanced Diet
    1. Contains the right amounts of each of the six different food types
    2. Food Types
      1. Carbohydrates
        1. Sugars
          1. Sweets; Fruit;
            1. Instant energy
          2. Starch
            1. Bread; Potatoes;
              1. Supply energy more slowly
            2. Fibre
              1. Brown Bread; Cereals;
                1. Stimulates movement of food through the intestines
            3. Fats
              1. Oils; Butter;
                1. Long term energy store
              2. Proteins
                1. Meat; Eggs
                  1. Make muscles and hair
                2. Vitamins
                  1. Vitamin C
                    1. Oranges; Green Veg;
                      1. Healthy skin and bones
                    2. Vitamin D
                      1. Milk; Cheese;
                        1. Healthy bones
                    3. Minerals
                      1. Iron (Fe)
                        1. Red Meat; Green Veg;
                          1. Haemoglobin (red blood)
                        2. Calcium (Ca)
                          1. Milk; Yoghurt;
                            1. Healthy bones
                        3. Water
                          1. Drinks
                            1. Allows cells to work
                          2. Food Type
                            1. Source
                              1. Function
                          3. Food Pyramid
                            1. Dairy Foods (3)
                              1. Proteins (2)
                                1. Fatty & Sweet Foods (Rarely)
                                2. Fruit & Vegetables (5)
                                  1. Carbohydrates (6)
                              2. Food Tests
                                1. Starch
                                  1. Iodine
                                    1. No
                                      1. Red/Yellow
                                        1. Blue/Black
                                  2. Simple Sugar
                                    1. Benedict's Solution
                                      1. Yes
                                        1. Blue
                                          1. Red
                                            1. Simple Sugar Test only works for glucose not sucrose
                                    2. Fat
                                      1. Brown Paper
                                        1. No
                                          1. No stain
                                            1. Stain
                                      2. Protein
                                        1. Sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate (Biuret Test)
                                          1. No
                                            1. Blue
                                              1. Purple/Violet
                                        2. Food
                                          1. Test
                                            1. Heat Needed
                                              1. Original Colour
                                                1. Final Colour
                                        3. Food and Energy
                                          1. Fats have twice the amount of energy as carbohydrates
                                            1. Proteins are not used for energy
                                              1. The amount of energy needed by a person depends on:
                                                1. Factor
                                                  1. Energy Needed
                                                  2. Age
                                                    1. Young people need more energy than the elderly
                                                    2. Gender
                                                      1. Males need more energy than females
                                                      2. Activity Levels
                                                        1. More active people need more energy than less active people
                                                        2. Health
                                                          1. Healthy people need more energy than unhealthy people
                                                      3. To show the conversion of energy into heat
                                                        1. 1. Place thermometer in water in a test tube that is in a retort stand
                                                          1. 2. Hold a burning piece of cracker under it.
                                                            1. 3. Note the temperature of the water rising.
                                                              1. 4. This shows that the chemical energy in the cracker is converted to heat energy
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                                                        Food Safety
                                                        Andrew Burke
                                                        German: Food and drink
                                                        Ben Stevenson
                                                        Izzy Fox
                                                        Food Packaging
                                                        Food Technology - Functions of ingredients
                                                        Food Technology - KEY TERMS
                                                        Dani Whitrick
                                                        Kitchen Safety WHS
                                                        Carly Saunders
                                                        Food Technology- Minerals and Vitamins