The Aims of Adolf Hitler


Mind Map on The Aims of Adolf Hitler, created by 2k9psteele on 14/02/2014.
Mind Map by 2k9psteele, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 2k9psteele about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Aims of Adolf Hitler
  1. Großdeutschland
    1. The Unification of all German Speaking Peoples
      1. Anschluss
      2. the Collective term for Germany, Austria, and the intended Lebensraum.
        1. Greater Germany
          1. It would make Germany a world power again.
            1. Anschluss was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles
            2. Lebensraum
              1. Living Space
                1. Hitler intended to capture territory in eastern and western Europe to make more space for Germans to live.
                  1. Planned a War in Europe with the new nations of Poland and Czeckoslovakia, as well as Communist USSR
                  2. Some Germans were living in countries like Poland and the Sudetenland, and Hitler aimed to capture this territory and make it part of Großdeutschland
                    1. Hitler Believed that German people were superior to others and therefore deserved more room to live in Europe.
                      1. Hitler wanted to create an Ethnically Pure country.
                      2. Rearmament
                        1. Although this was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler built up his Military in order to capture the Lebensraum he wanted.
                          1. Initially began secretly, but in 1935 the Proclamation of Freedom to Rearm rally made it international knowledge
                            1. Rebuilding Germany's Military
                              1. In 1935, 7.4% of Germany's national budget was spent on arms.
                                1. In 1940, 38% was spent on arms.
                                2. 1936 - Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
                                  1. Reintroduced Conscription in 1936
                                  2. (Disregarding) Versailles
                                    1. Hitler didn't care about the Treaty of Versailles
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