ICT Tools


Hi everybody, Here you can see a mind map about the ICT tool in the primary context.
Javier Herrero
Mind Map by Javier Herrero, updated more than 1 year ago
Javier Herrero
Created by Javier Herrero over 7 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Tools
  1. What are ICT tools?
    1. Benefits
    2. ICT tools in primary school
      1. Firts cicle
        1. Interactive whiteboard
          1. Computers
            1. MP3 Player
              1. Songs creator
        2. Second cicle.
          1. Podcast
            1. Photopeach
              1. Wikis
                1. Word processor
                  1. Interactive Whiteboard
                    1. Computers
          2. Third cicle
            1. Smartphones
              1. Tablets
                1. Kahoot
                  1. Video editing
                    1. Interactive whiteboard
                      1. Computers
          Show full summary Hide full summary


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