1905 Revolution


History (1881 - 24) Mind Map on 1905 Revolution, created by charlotte151996 on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by charlotte151996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlotte151996 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

1905 Revolution
  1. Uprisings
    1. Peasant
      1. Poor harvests and high taxes, peasants rose in revolt.
        1. First major uprising - Feb 1905 in Kursk.
          1. By end of 1905 - most European Russia affected by uprisings.
          2. Armed
            1. 5th dec. 1905 general strike in Moscow. By 7th, became armed uprising.
              1. Next nine days - workers waged violent struggle with police and gov.
                1. 18th Dec - 1000 people dead. Revolutionaries (bolsheviks) surrendered.
                  1. Revolution was over.
              2. Strikes
                1. Response to bloody Sunday - 400000 workers striked
                  1. Set up soviets to direct strikes.
                  2. Railway workers strike - Oct 1905.
                    1. Crucial for moving troops.
                  3. Mutinies
                    1. Occurred after Bloody Sunday.
                      1. Helped undermine Tsars authority.
                      2. No point during 1905 Rev. army likely to turn against Tsar.
                      3. St Petersburg Soviet - assembly of workers
                        1. Groups of workers from the capital elected representatives.
                          1. Leon Trotsky.
                            1. Work involved organising strikes and giving strikers food.
                            2. Came to end on 3rd Dec. when gov. arrested leaders.
                              1. Existence shows workers capable of organising themselves.
                            3. Government reaction
                              1. 30th Oct 1905 - Oct. Manifesto.
                                1. Elected Parliament.
                                  1. Freedom of speech, religion and civil rights.
                                    1. Pleased liberals
                                    2. Mensheviks and Bolsheviks wanted major social and economic reforms.
                                      1. Tsar regained control.
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