Women's Suffrage


History (Women) Mind Map on Women's Suffrage, created by millie23 on 23/03/2014.
Mind Map by millie23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by millie23 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Women's Suffrage
  1. Suffragists
    1. NUWSS
      1. Led by Millicent Fawcett
        1. 400 branches around UK
          1. Peaceful tactics
            1. Leaflets, petitions, meetings, posters
              1. Not much public interest - lack of progree
                1. 1910, 21571 members. 1914, 53000 members
                  1. 1867-1900, women's suffrage rejected 15 times
                  2. Suffragettes
                    1. WSPU
                      1. formed 1903 - women lost patience with NUWSS
                        1. Led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst
                          1. 34 branches in London
                            1. 'Deeds not Words'
                              1. violent tactics
                                1. Clever posters, hunger strikes, postboxes on fire, axe at PM
                                  1. Emily Wilding Davison - martyr - kings horse
                                    1. Lots of public interest
                                      1. June 1908, 0.5 million attended meeting
                                      2. Anti Suffrage League
                                        1. Led by Mrs Humphrey Ward
                                          1. aimed to stop vote for women
                                          2. Women in War
                                            1. Patriotism more important than vote
                                              1. Women got jobs - Canary Girls
                                                1. Persuaded men to fight
                                                  1. Icreased respect from men
                                                    1. Women War Pageant 1915
                                                      1. 1918 - vote for women 30+
                                                      2. Government attempts to stop progress
                                                        1. Didn't want to upset public
                                                          1. Didn't want to encourage tactics
                                                            1. No 1 opinion
                                                              1. Treated women as criminals
                                                                1. force fed hunger strikers - public scandal
                                                                  1. 1910 agreed to work with women but abandoned Conciliation Bill - thought women would vote Conservative
                                                                    1. 1913 Cat and Mouse Act
                                                                      1. 18 Nov 1910, Black Friday, over 300 protested
                                                                        1. released hunger strikers before too ill
                                                                          1. rearrested when better
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