Ancient Egypt


Mind map (T1 W9 Assignment) 7
Mind Map by claudemercer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claudemercer over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ancient Egypt
  1. Afterlife
    1. Tombs
      1. Built many years in advance
        1. Very elaborate
          1. Tombs with things needed in the afterlife
            1. Only important people were bueried in tombs
            2. Excited to die
              1. Live with the gods
              2. Mummification prepared body for afterlife
                1. Embalming/Mummification
                2. Beliefs
                  1. Pharoh was a descendant of the gods
                    1. Tombs
                      1. Many gods
                        1. Polytheistic
                          1. Main gods
                            1. Osiris - king of the underworld
                              1. Amun Re - God of the sun
                                1. Horus - God of the sky
                                  1. Anubis - god of the dead
                                    1. Isis - godess of rebirth
                                      1. Hathor - Godess or love and joy (protector)
                                  2. Contact and Trade
                                    1. With other civiliations
                                      1. Traded essential living needs
                                        1. Wheat
                                          1. Barley
                                            1. Flax
                                              1. Rope
                                                1. Paparyus
                                                  1. Honey
                                                    1. Cedar Oil
                                                      1. Incesce
                                                        1. Copper
                                                          1. Silver
                                                            1. Ivory
                                                              1. Semi-precious stones
                                                              2. Extended as far as Somalia
                                                                1. Boats on the nile collected goods
                                                                  1. Animals for transport of goods
                                                                    1. Gained recources through trade and war
                                                                    2. Pharoh's power
                                                                      1. Power over upper and lover egypt
                                                                        1. Double Crown
                                                                          1. Responsible for annual floods
                                                                            1. Responsible for food
                                                                              1. Ma'at
                                                                              2. Told others he was a descendent of a god
                                                                                1. Mostly male
                                                                                2. Location
                                                                                  1. Egypt
                                                                                    1. Along the nile river
                                                                                      1. Amarna - middle egypt
                                                                                        1. Thebes - upper egypt
                                                                                          1. Memphis - lower egypt
                                                                                            1. Sahara desert - dry, empty
                                                                                              1. All main settlements along the nile river
                                                                                                1. North Africa - bare land
                                                                                                  1. Lower egypt is the top of the map
                                                                                                    1. Upper egypt is the bottom of the map
                                                                                                    2. Nile river- highway
                                                                                                      1. Annual flooding
                                                                                                        1. Water
                                                                                                          1. Fish
                                                                                                            1. Floods - good soil
                                                                                                              1. Great for supplies
                                                                                                                1. Used boats along the nile
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