Were workers better off under Nazi Germany?


a level History (Hitler's Rise to Power) Mind Map on Were workers better off under Nazi Germany?, created by pauldearden on 26/03/2014.
Mind Map by pauldearden, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pauldearden over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Were workers better off under Nazi Germany?
  1. Better Off
    1. Unemployment fell massively
      1. Decent wages and conditions
        1. RAD
          1. Made boys more disciplined
          2. Longer Holidays
            1. Kraft Durch Freude (Strength through joy)
              1. Leisure holidays for workers
            2. Worse Off
              1. Invisible Unemployment
                1. Women and ethnic groups like Jews were left off statistics
                2. Abolishment of trade unions
                  1. No right to strike
                  2. Sickness and misery at construction sites
                    1. National Labour Service (RAD)
                      1. Long hours and poor pay
                      2. Not as many jobs as promised
                        1. Lies about cars
                          1. (False) Scheme about getting Volkswagen
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