Three Estates


History (French Revolution) Mind Map on Three Estates, created by lorna221otter on 01/04/2014.
Mind Map by lorna221otter, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lorna221otter about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Three Estates
  1. First estate
    1. About 130,000 people
      1. The clergy
        1. 138 archbishops and bishops
          1. 2,800 canons and priors
            1. 37,000 nuns and 23,000 monks
              1. 60,000 parish priests
              2. Privileges
                1. Had their own law courts
                  1. Didn't have to pay certain taxes
                2. Second estate
                  1. Between 120,000 and 350,000 people
                    1. Nobility
                      1. King and Queen
                        1. Nobles of the sword
                          1. Princes of royal blood
                            1. Dukes
                              1. Counts and Viscounts
                                1. Marquises
                                  1. Barons
                                    1. Knights
                                  2. Privileges
                                    1. The right to carry a sword
                                      1. Special treatment in law courts
                                        1. Didn't have to pay certain taxes
                                          1. Didn't have to do military service
                                        2. Third Estate
                                          1. About 27 million people
                                            1. Everybody else
                                              1. Lawyers
                                                1. Doctors
                                                  1. Businessmen
                                                    1. Merchants
                                                      1. Soldiers
                                                        1. Craftsmen
                                                          1. Shopkeepers
                                                            1. Peasants
                                                            2. Privelages
                                                              1. None
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