The Sanitary Reform Movement


GCSE History (The History Of Medicine) Mind Map on The Sanitary Reform Movement, created by livmills97 on 05/04/2014.
Mind Map by livmills97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by livmills97 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Sanitary Reform Movement
  1. Chadwick's 1842 report sparked off a fierce debate about cleaning up the towns. Supporters of reform became known as the 'clean party'.
    1. In 1844 the Health of Towns Association was founded to campaign for healthier living conditions.
      1. Local branches were set up across the country.
        1. Each produced evidence of filthy streets, lack of sewage facilities and inadequate supplies of fresh water.
          1. The association called for an Act of Parliament.
      2. In 1847 a Public Health Bill was finally introduced to parliament.
        1. It was strongly opposed by a group of MP's who were nicknamed the 'Dirty Party'.
          1. They believed in laissez-faire and argues that it was not the governments responsibility to clean up the towns.
            1. Cleaning up the towns would cost too much and make the government too powerful.
              1. The poor were often looked down on and it was thought that they should try to help themselves.
                1. The poor did not have votes so why should the wealthy try to help?
          2. Although Chadwick's report clearly shows that there was a connection between dirty living conditions and disease, no one knew exactly what caused these diseases.
            1. Then, in 1848, cholera struck again and MP's voted in favour of the bill, which became the first public health act.
              1. It was not compulsory.
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