Extinction and Speciation


Mind Map on Extinction and Speciation, created by Lauren Robinson on 04/06/2014.
Lauren Robinson
Mind Map by Lauren Robinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Robinson
Created by Lauren Robinson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Extinction and Speciation
  1. Extinction
    1. Causes
      1. If the environment changes rapidly (destruction of habitat)
        1. New predator
          1. New disease
            1. A catastrophic event
              1. Can't compete with a new species for food
                1. Speciation
                2. Happens if a species is unable to evolve quick enough
                3. Speciation
                  1. Where a group of similar organisms can reproduce to give fertile offspring, therefore it is the development of new species.
                    1. Speciation occurs when populations of the same species become so different that they can no longer breed togther
                    2. Isolation and natural selection
                      1. Isolation is where populations of species get separated.
                        1. This can be due to a physical barrier. E.g a flood could cause a physical barrier that geographically isolates some organisms, and if the conditions are different, the two groups may have different characteristics
                        2. Natural selection is "survival of the fittest"
                          1. Each population shows variation as they have a wide range of alleles
                            1. In each population, organisms with more adapted characteristics have a better chance of survival, and therefore breed
                              1. Therefore the alleles that control the beneficial characteristics are more likely to be passed on
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