Sports And Health


Mind Map on Sports And Health, created by xDyNaMiC SeaVg on 05/01/2017.
xDyNaMiC SeaVg
Mind Map by xDyNaMiC SeaVg, updated more than 1 year ago
xDyNaMiC SeaVg
Created by xDyNaMiC SeaVg over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Sports And Health
  1. Physical Education
    1. Does not occur enough
      1. school does not want to add more periods to it.
    2. CCA
      1. Moderate only for sports CCA,but for the other no physical activity at all
      2. Recess/Lunch
        1. Food/Eating is more importang
          1. Food
            1. Students,teen not achieving their nutrtious needs
              1. too oily
                1. not enough nutrients
                  1. always eating fast food
        2. Sports Fiesta
          1. Once or twice a year only
          2. Gym
            1. For P.E O.S.I.E students only
            2. campaign
              1. Health Promotion Board
                1. health diet plate,pyramid
              2. Parks
                1. long connected
                2. Mentally Healthy
                  1. Socially
                    1. influence by friends
                      1. gaming,cycling
                      2. Able to sociallize
                      3. Self
                        1. Sufficient sleep
                          1. Able to deal with stress
                        2. activities Programmes
                          1. Colour Run
                            1. OSIM Sundown
                              1. OCBC Cycle
                              2. Obesity
                                1. Diabetes
                                  1. Cancer
                                    1. Steroids
                                      1. Malnurition
                                        1. High Blood Pressure
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