The Odyssey - BOOK 1


Mind Map on The Odyssey - BOOK 1, created by anna.jay on 06/05/2013.
Mind Map by anna.jay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anna.jay almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Odyssey - BOOK 1
  1. The poet invokes the Muse to help him tell the story of Odysseus.
    1. We learn that Poseidon, god of the sea, holds a grudge against Odysseus and is making the guy's voyage home pretty difficult.
      1. This tells us two very important things: (1) Greek gods are temperamental, and (2) Poseidon is a powerful guy.
      2. So Poseidon isn't around on Mount Olympus, while the other gods discuss the fact that this one guy Orestes murdered this other guy Aigisthos.
        1. Zeus, king of the gods , says that Aeigithus totally deserved it because he had a long affair with Agamemnon's wife while he was away at Troy and then killed Agamemnon upon returning home.
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