Stalin's Rise to Power


A Levels History Mind Map on Stalin's Rise to Power, created by on 14/04/2014.
Mind Map by, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Stalin's Rise to Power
  1. Ambition
    1. Ambition gave Stalin confidence to rise and to rule
      1. Felt a need to be in control
        1. Highly organised
        2. Political and personal ability
          1. Opposition
            1. Trotsky
              1. Disadvantages
                1. 'New Bolshevik' as he joined in 1917, this made 'Old Bolsheviks' suspect him
                  1. An opportunist who lacked consistency
                    1. Unpredictable, indecisive and sometimes showed a failure of nerve
                      1. Completely underestimated Stalin
                        1. Disliked by many leading Bolsheviks due to his arrogance and disdain towards those not as intelligent as him
                          1. Made no attempt to build up his support in the party, making it very difficult when he was standing against Stalin and his many supporters
                            1. Fear he may use his Red Army links to start a military coup after Lenin's death
                              1. Made major errors of judgement at times when it was critical
                                1. He was Jewish and due to anti-Semitism in Russia he did not push himself forward
                                2. Advantages
                                  1. Demonstrated a combination of formidable leadership skills, ruthlessness and decision-making abilities during these key years e.g. carrying out October Revolution and leading the RED ARMY
                                    1. Trotsky was clever, a dynamic speechmaker, and had shown himself to be an energetic man of action between 1917 and 1921
                                      1. He had been Lenin's right hand man during the revolution and Civil War
                                    2. Kamenev
                                      1. Disadvantages
                                        1. Gained a reputation for inconsistency and opportunism by opposing Lenin in 1917 and switching alliances between Stalin and Trosky
                                          1. Regarded by many as too soft, without the wish or ability to be a leader
                                            1. Seriously underestimated opponents, especially Stalin
                                            2. Advantages
                                              1. Regarded as thoughtful and intelligent, good at smoothing out difficulties amongst colleagues, although less popular than Zinoviev
                                                1. Had influence in Moscow where he ran the local party.
                                                  1. An 'Old Bolshevik', who helped form party policy and was close to Lenin
                                                    1. Lenin entrusted many of his personal papers to him in 1922
                                                2. Zinoviev
                                                  1. Disadvantages
                                                    1. Seriously underestimated his opponents, especially Stalin who he looked down upon
                                                      1. Subject to considerable and unpredictable mood swings
                                                        1. Seen as an ambitious compromiser, without a clear philosophy, someone who was vain but lacking in political courage, and he buckled under pressure
                                                          1. Gained a reputation for inconsistency seen in his opposition to Lenin in 1917 and switching alliances between Stalin and Trosky
                                                          2. Advantages
                                                            1. Regarded as intelligent, energetic and with a wide knowledge of European culture
                                                              1. One of the party's best speakers
                                                                1. Had important and influential positions in the Comintern, the Politburo and the Leningrad Party
                                                                  1. Promoted to the highest ranks of the party by Lenin, and one of Lenin's close associates, regarded him as his 'closest and most trusted assistant
                                                                    1. An 'Old Bolshevik' and therefore commanded respect from colleagues
                                                                2. Stalin
                                                                  1. Strengths
                                                                    1. In charge of personnel and promotions
                                                                      1. Very close to Lenin during his final months and controlled access to him
                                                                        1. Introduced popular policy which met Soviet needs more than those of his rivals at the time
                                                                          1. Kept out of major controversy
                                                                            1. Rivals underestimated his ruthlessness, abilities and intelligence
                                                                              1. 'Old Bolshevik' so had a lot of support in the party
                                                                                1. Held strong positions within the party which gave him considerable influece
                                                                                  1. General Secretary, Member of the Politburo, Commissar for Nationalities
                                                                                  2. Managed the Lenin Enrolment in 1923
                                                                                    1. New recruits owed loyalty to Stalin
                                                                                    2. Very Organised
                                                                                    3. Weaknesses
                                                                                      1. Perceived as stupid by other party members due to his thick Georgian accent and enjoyment of wrestling
                                                                                  3. Luck
                                                                                    1. LENIN'S TESTAMENT remained unpublished
                                                                                      1. Timing of Lenin's death
                                                                                        1. Trotsky's lack of popularity

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