Tourism Case Studies


GCSE Geography Mind Map on Tourism Case Studies, created by Ellen Laidlaw on 04/18/2014.
Ellen Laidlaw
Mind Map by Ellen Laidlaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellen Laidlaw
Created by Ellen Laidlaw almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Tourism Case Studies
  1. National Park - Lake District
    1. ATTRACTIONS include Lake Windermere, landscape, walking, water sports, fishing and cultural sites like Beatrix Potter's house
      1. IMPACTS: - Traffic (Congestion/Parking) - Honey-pot Sites (Overcrowded and eroded) - Housing (Prices too high for locals to buy) - Environment (Lakes polluted)
        1. SOLUTIONS: - Traffic (Bypasses/P&R/Waffles) - Honey-pot Sites (Signs/Bins/Paths) - Housing (Trying affordable houses for locals but difficult) - Environment (Speed Limits on lakes)
          1. SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: - Diversifying/ Share It Scheme/ Volunteering Holidays
          2. Mass Tourism - Jamaica
            1. ATTRACTIONS include beaches, weather, climate, landscape and culture.
              1. BENEFITS: - 20% over all GDP from tourism - 20% locals employed directly in tourism industry - Use of local resources begins ripple effect helping to spread out money.
                1. PROBLEMS: - Overcrowding of beaches - Natural areas spoilt by littering etc - Trans national corporations from MEDCs involved so profit leaves the country. - All inclusive hotels mean ripple effect doesn't happen. - Low paid jobs go to locals.
                  1. SOLUTIONS: - Community Tourism (Homestay/ Local Tours/ Buying Local Produce) - Eco-tourism helps the environment as well as benefits locals.
                  2. Extreme Tourism - Antartica
                    1. ATTRACTIONS: - Unspoilt landscape/scenery - Wildlife - Extreme Weather - Extreme Sports (ice walking/skiing/diving)
                      1. VISITORS: 30+/single or coupled/MEDC rich
                        1. ISSUES: - Grey/Black water pollution - Oil Spillages - Disturbing wildlife - Destruction of natural sites.
                          1. SOLUTIONS: - Visitors and companies must have permits to visit the area and to carry out any activities. - Boats limited to 500 people (exclusive so charge highly) - SSSI's to protect important areas.
                          2. Eco-tourism - Galapagos Islands
                            1. 50 volcanic islands off South America, belonging to Ecquador
                              1. Trips cost average of $6000 so a lot is made from few tourists. Don't require mass tourism
                                1. Locals MUST be employed so money and jobs provided.
                                  1. $25 a day from each tourist goes to conservation trust which funds conservation projects in national parks
                                    1. Tourist are educated on conservation and become stewards
                                      1. Locals employed in tourism so don't need to farm and spoil the islands
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