

Describe electroplating with the example of cheap jewellery.
Luke Marney
Mind Map by Luke Marney, updated more than 1 year ago
Luke Marney
Created by Luke Marney about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Electrolysis is used to electroplate objects
    1. For example, to cover a cheaper metal with a more expensive one
      1. Like covering cheap jewellery with gold for its aesthetic qualities
    2. How it works
      1. The negative electrode should be the one that is to be electroplated
        1. i.e. cheap jewellery
        2. The positive electrode should be the material you want to coat the object with
          1. i.e. gold
            1. The electrolyte should be a solution of the coating metal, such as its metal nitrate or sulphate
              1. i.e. Gold Nitrate
            2. For example, the cheap jewellery would act as the negative electrode and the positive electrode would be made of gold, in a electrolyte solution of gold nitrate
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