Energy Resources


GCSE Environmental Science Mind Map on Energy Resources, created by hydedefinition on 10/05/2013.
Mind Map by hydedefinition, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hydedefinition over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Energy Resources
  1. Why is the continued use of fossil fuels unsustainable?
    1. What alternative energy technologies are available
      1. How are energy resources used
        1. We rely on energy to support our lifestyles and economic prosperity
          1. We take energy for granted most of the time
            1. In the modern world we use energy in almost every aspect of our lifves
              1. The amount of energy used at home, school or work can be monitered by taking regular readings from gas and electricity
                1. The amount of energy used has increased over the years, but there are still big differences in energy use between the richest countries and the poorest ones
                2. How can energy consumption be reduced
                  1. Many people want to reduce the amount of energy used. This may be to cut bills or to help the environment
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