Animal Rights


Facts about Animal Rights. Comment below if this helps you :)
Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Animal Rights
  1. Animal testing
    1. Medical Testing
      1. Vivisection sees animals tested upon to try and find cures for a range of illnesses and diseases
    2. Other Religious views:
      1. In Isaiah 11, verse 6-8 teaches christains that they should co-exist with animals
        1. Earth should not be exploited
        2. Roman Catholics
          1. They teach that animal are below humans
            1. Not placed to much important to them
          2. Other denomination teach that animals shouldn't be abused
            1. Muslim
              1. Animals can be experimented to help cure diseases as long as it doesn't experience any undue suffering
            2. Many chemicals and drugs that have been tested on animals have later been shown to cause different reactions
              1. The Contraceptive pill can cause blood clots in humans yet has the opposite effect on dogs
                1. Morphine helps humans to sleep yet excites cats
                  1. Asprin is a human painkiller yet causes birth defects in mice
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