The treaty of Brest Litovsk 1918


as level Russian history Mind Map on The treaty of Brest Litovsk 1918, created by eveannesley on 05/21/2014.
Mind Map by eveannesley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eveannesley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The treaty of Brest Litovsk 1918
  1. Terms of the treaty
    1. large amount of territory ceded to Germany
      1. 1/3 of European Russia
        1. Ukraine: Russia's grain source
          1. territory lost: population of 45 million
          2. 3 billion roubles in war reparations paid to Germany
          3. Divergent attitudes among Bolsheviks regarding war
            1. LENIN: wanted an immediate peace
              1. Russia was militarily exhausted. also, whether germany won/lost it would not really matter to Russia, either way it would not be worse off
                1. wanted the financial support from Germany to continue
                2. TROTSKY: 'neither peace nor war' wanted to bbuy time
                  1. German armies would collapse
                    1. Revolution could start in Germany
                      1. TACTICS: disruptive, uncooperative
                        1. yawn/ interrupt whilst others were speaking
                          1. infuriate German representatives
                            1. launch into revolutionary speeches
                        2. Trotsky and Lenin were international revolutionaries, they had limited loyalty to Russia as a nation
                          1. terms of treaty were harsh to Russia
                          2. Reactions to the treaty
                            1. from the Bolsheviks
                              1. Trotsky: German 'diktat'
                                1. Lenin
                                  1. emphasised the exhaustion of Russian troops
                                    1. 'Russia can offer no physical resistance beacuse she is materially exhausted by three years of war'
                                    2. claimed that Russia would soon be in a position to reclaim its territories as in the aftermath of war, conflict would arise between capitalist powers
                                  2. The Left-Communists
                                    1. condemned signing of treaty
                                      1. only agreed when Lenin persuaded them that party unity was vital in a time of crisis.
                                  3. the outcome of the treaty
                                    1. August 1918: collapse of Germany's Western front/total withdrawal of German forces from Russia
                                      1. proved Lenin right- strengthened his hold over the party
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