Groups with nutritional and dietary needs A2


Food technology Mind Map on Groups with nutritional and dietary needs A2, created by Ellie May on 21/06/2017.
Ellie May
Mind Map by Ellie May, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie May
Created by Ellie May over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Groups with nutritional and dietary needs A2
  1. Babies (0-12 months)
    1. Nutritional needs: essential vitamins and minerals (Vitamin B, zinc, sodium, chloride, magnesium), no sugar or salt for rapid growth and development.
      1. Dietary needs: breast or instant formula milk, gradual weaning
        1. need lots of iron as after birth the iron stores deplete.
        2. Pre-school children (12 moths - 4 years)
          1. Dietary needs: balanced diet for growth and development, good quantities of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, need a good source of fibre, sensible eating patterns
            1. Nutritional needs: increased enegry and vitamin requirments
              1. more exposure to sunlight for vitamin D and to become active to reduce childhood obesity and allow rapid healthy growth..
              2. Young children
                1. Dietary needs: healthy balanced diet, starchy foods, 5 a day of fruit and vegetables.
                  1. 4-6 years
                    1. Nutritional needs: increase need for energy, protein and all vitamins and minerals except vitamin C,D and iron.
                      1. sunlight is the vitamin D source
                    2. 7-10 years
                      1. Nutritional needs: increased requirement for protein, energy and all vitamins and minerals except vitamin C,A and thiamine.
                    3. Adolescents
                      1. Dietary needs: starchy foods, high in protein, low in fat, sugar, higher calcium (dairy) and iron (red meats).
                        1. Nutritional needs:
                          1. 11-14 years: energy and protein (50%) requirments incarese, boys vitamin and mineral requirement increases, while girls have higher iron requirmets than boys
                            1. 15-18 years: Boys - protein + energy, vitamins and minerals (zinc, calcium) req. continues to increase, Calcium increases as rapid bone development. Girls - higher iron requirement, lower zinc and calcium, increase req. for energy, protein and vitamins + minerals.
                            2. larger appetites due to puberty, growth and development.
                            3. Elderly
                              1. Dietary needs: starchy based meals, oily fish (good source of protein and avoids thrombosis) , fresh fruit and vegetables, red meats and leafy green vegetables for iron sources, calcium rich foods (cheese, milk) for bone health.
                                1. Nutritional needs: less active so energy requirements reduce, protein requirements is less for men but increases for women, same need for vitamins and minerals especially calcium intake. zinc is good for the immune system and good iron intake reduces anaemia risk.
                                  1. more likely to be deficient in folate and vitamin D,C.
                                2. Adults (19-50 years)
                                  1. Dietary needs: healthy balanced diet, starchy foods, lots of fruit and vegetables, eat more fish, low fat and sugar, less salt.
                                    1. Nutritional needs: don't need as much nutrition as they have stopped growing, energy rudiments lower compared to adolescents.
                                      1. calcium, phosphorus intake decrease for both men and women. men iron intake lowers and women's magnesium intake lowers.
                                      2. don't skip breakfast, drink more water, exercise plenty (2hrs a week).
                                      3. Pregnant women
                                        1. Nutritional needs: need sufficient energy, protein, vitamin D,C, folate, iron and calcium
                                          1. folic acid should be taken for the first 12 weeks of to help prevent spina bifida.
                                          2. Dietary needs: high in iron (red and lean meat, beans, pulses), dairy products, starchy foods, fresh fruit and vegetables.
                                            1. NO pate or soft cheese
                                          3. Vegetarians
                                            1. Dietary needs: need a balanced diet low in saturated fats, contains 5, portions of fruit and vegetables, good calcium source and vitamins + minerals.
                                              1. Nutritional needs: need an adequate intake of essential nutrients; vitamins and minerals (Vitamin D. B12, iodine, calcium and iron), amino acids, energy and fat.
                                                1. vegans need to consider sources of calcium (milk, yoghurts) and iodine (vegetables, cereals).
                                                  1. female vegetarians need to consume efficient iron quantities.
                                                    1. needs to replace HBV protien
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