Should APSL undertake the disposal of waste itself? Justify your view.


Mind Map on Should APSL undertake the disposal of waste itself? Justify your view., created by Joshua Russell on 06/02/2014.
Joshua Russell
Mind Map by Joshua Russell, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Russell
Created by Joshua Russell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Should APSL undertake the disposal of waste itself? Justify your view.
  1. Yes
    1. Means that they have full control over it
      1. More work but plausibly cheaper
        1. Can dispose of waste when they want to
        2. No
          1. May end up being more expensive
            1. Will require moving or hiring new workers for the job
              1. Likely function as a zero hour contract or have to be combined with another job
              2. May be limited as to when the waste can be picked up
                1. Have less control over fly tipping and any other problems
                2. Farmer
                  1. If fly tipping repeats may result in legal charges and damage the businesses reputation
                    1. Needs to be handled with care in order to avoid charges or further problems
                    2. Flexibility
                      1. How well it suits the companies needs and when the waste can be picked up needs to be considered
                        1. Do pick up times suit APSL?
                          1. Are they environmentally friendly? Offer good policies? Good reputation?
                          2. APSL undertaking the disposal may not be the most flexible option
                            1. Workers taking on multiple roles may make the work less flexible, but if the job requires new workers it may prove to expensive
                              1. Training costs?
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