Types of Historical and Modern Governments


12th grade Civics and Government Mind Map on Types of Historical and Modern Governments, created by Jasmine Campos on 06/08/2017.
Jasmine Campos
Mind Map by Jasmine Campos, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine Campos
Created by Jasmine Campos about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Historical and Modern Governments
  1. Oligarchy


    • Power is held by a small group of people, usually members of an upper class. Rulers typically act in their particular interests rather than on behalf of society at large  
    1. Power is held by a small group of people, usually members of an upper class. Rulers typically act in their particular interests rather than on behalf of society at large
    2. Monarchy


      • King/queen rules until the end of his/her life then leadership is passed onto his/her heirs. In a traditional monarchy leader has absolute power.
      1. Constitutional Monarchy


        • The king/queen's power is limited by laws that may be written, unwritten, or blended and function mainly as head of state
        1. The king/queen's power is limited by laws that may be written, unwritten, or blended and function mainly as head of state
        2. King/queen rules until the end of his/her life then leadership is passed onto his/her heirs. In a traditional monarchy leader has absolute power.
        3. Dictatorship


          • A single leader exercises absolute power over nearly every aspect of life in a country including political, social, and economic issues
          1. A single leader exercises absolute power over nearly every aspect of life in a country including political, social, and economic issues
          2. Democracy


            • Every citizen has a voice, either directly or through elected representatives, in how the country is governed.
            1. Direct Democracy


              • All citizens participate directly in making laws and in the government.
              1. All citizens participate directly in making laws and in the government.
              2. Representative Democracy


                • Citizens elect representatives to carry out the functions of government 
                1. AKA Republic


                  • When head of state is elected by voters
                  1. When head of state is elected by voters
                  2. Citizens elect representatives to carry out the functions of government
                  3. Parliamentary Democracy


                    • Prime minister/chancellor is the head of government and the leader of the political party that has the most seats in parliament. If no party holds a majority, several parties may form a coalition government.
                    1. Prime minister/chancellor is the head of government and the leader of the political party that has the most seats in parliament. If no party holds a majority, several parties may form a coalition government.
                    2. Presidential Democracy


                      • Has a president who is elected by voters for a set number of years. President is separate from the legislature and has a considerable amount of independent power but actions are limited
                      1. Has a president who is elected by voters for a set number of years. President is separate from the legislature and has a considerable amount of independent power but actions are limited
                      2. Every citizen has a voice, either directly or through elected representatives, in how the country is governed.
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