Policy: Protectionism


11 Yr 9-10 History (Changing Rights and Freedoms) Note on Policy: Protectionism, created by ElsienaKate on 12/06/2013.
Note by ElsienaKate, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ElsienaKate almost 11 years ago

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1869-1937 An idea that Aboriginal Australians needed to be separate from white Australians and 'protected' for their own good. Aboriginal people were removed from their traditional lands and placed in reservations or missions. The forced movement of Aboriginal people from their traditional lives to a style imposed by white Australians broke the special bond they had with the land and their culture. Restrictions were created, including control of: -movement: permission was required to enter or leave reserves and missions-work and earnings: the protector legally owned all personal property, wages, etc.-marriages and family: permission was needed to marry, traditional names were banned, children were sent to schools to be trained as farm laborers and servants-leisure and social life: traditional customs and celebrations were banned, focus placed on Christian worship, etc. Belief that something had to be done for Aboriginal children who were of 'mixed blood'. It was believed if these children were removed from their tribal influences it would be possible for them to become 'European'. Many children were taken away from their families to be raised with new names and in a new culture. These children would later become known as the Stolen Generations. The Stolen Generations Thousands of Aboriginal children were taken away from the families and placed in government institutions They were often given new names and birth dates They were encouraged to 'think white, look white, act white' Children who were of part-Aboriginal heritage were referred to as 'half-castes'. At 14 boys were sent to work on pastoral stations, where girls found employment as domestic servants for white families.

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