Case Study - Jamie Thraves


jamie thraves
Note by barbiandy1829, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by barbiandy1829 almost 8 years ago

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Director Jamie Thraves started off by making short films at university and used award-winning short films as a 'calling card' to get a 'foot in the door' with the video productioncompany Fcatory Films. He then moved onto shooting three very low budget music videos which cost about £5000 each.This how the process works: A commissioner from a record label sends a track to 5-10 directors. The directors each submit a treatment. This stage is unpaid. The director who has submitted the 'best' treatment is then commissioned to make the video. Only then is the director paid. Currently, music videos cost about £20,000. Jamie has used music videos to get into film business. These include; The Low Down, The Cry of the Owl, Treacle Jr.

Radiohead- JustJust by Radiohead was one of his best selling videos which was shot in only three days and they had a budget of £100,000 to create it.

Coldplay- The Scientist Also another best selling video of his is The scientist by Coldplay. The music video was also shot in three days and they had a budget of £200,000.

Jamie's tips for making music videos are to use the lyrics and try not to be too literal as the video becomes less effective if it's not mainly relevant to the lyrics of the song or interesting. He also advises, most importantly, to go with the emotion of the lyrics to give the audience space to relate to the artist.

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