1.1 - Monomers and Polymers


A level Biology (Topic 1 - Biological Molecules) Note on 1.1 - Monomers and Polymers, created by Lewis Humphrys on 01/09/2016.
Lewis Humphrys
Note by Lewis Humphrys, updated more than 1 year ago
Lewis Humphrys
Created by Lewis Humphrys about 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Monomers and PolymersA Monomer is a molecule which can bond with other identical molecules to create Polymers. Monomers are small chemical units, from which larger chemical compounds can be formed. Polymers are large molecules made up of the repetition of small chemical units, joined by chemical bonds. Some examples of monomers are: Monosaccarides Amino Acids Nucleotides Some polymers are produced by a Condensation Polymerisation Reaction. When this type of reaction occurs, a simple molecule, usually water, is produced as a by-product. This reaction would occur many times, forming the links between monomers and creating the polymer.

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Condensation Polymerisation ReactionsCondensation polymerisation reaction of an amino acid. As you can see in the image, one side loses a (H) atom and one loses a hydroxide ion (OH), together forming water (H20). The two amino acids then form a Peptide Bond, linking the two monomers together.

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HydrolysisHydrolysis is the breaking of chemical bonds, due to a reaction with water.

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