

History Note on History, created by yatin.tailor on 05/05/2013.
Note by yatin.tailor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yatin.tailor over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

10 years = decade100 years = century1000 years = millennium

William the conqueror born a.d. 1027Joan of arc born a.d. 1412Mary, Queen of Scots born a.d. 1542Napoleon Bonaparte born a.d. 1769Alexander the great born 356 b.c.

Roman Numerals:I=1     V=5   X=10    L=50     C=100      D=500   M=1000

Anglo Saxon Britain Kingdoms:Celtic TerritoriesMerciaNorthumbriaEast AngliaEssexKentSussexWessex

Who should be King now Edward the Confessor has died?The Candidates:Harald HadradaWilliam of NormandyHarold GodwinsonEdgar Atheling The decision of the Witan was:Harold Godwinson

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