The buffalo - plains indians and the importance. - created from Mind Map


Note on The buffalo - plains indians and the importance. - created from Mind Map, created by Ayy on 06/05/2014.
Note by Ayy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Ayy almost 10 years ago
Copied to Note by Ayy almost 10 years ago

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What was the buffalo used for? The buffalo was a very important part of the plains indians lives. They used it for many different things including ceremonies. Tipis They used the buffalo hide to make the tipi. This kept them warm in the winter but also worked reversibly and kept them cool in the summer so it was fit for all purposes.

Buffalo dung Used for fuel.

The bladder/intestinesThis could be used as food bag, buckets and cooking vessels.

Sinews Used as bow strings. This was important as the indians were always hunting so this was an essential part of their lifestyle.

The buffalo - plains indians and the importance.

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