Ancient Egypt


Year 7 History Note on Ancient Egypt, created by dalexanb on 19/05/2013.
Note by dalexanb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dalexanb over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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River Nile called gift because it provided egyptions with food and water and was names it by the greek Herodus the Delta is parts of the river that split into different parts provided them with fish, dick, geese, oxen, birds, lions ect. most hunters gave it up and became farmers used spears to catch fish travelled up river on a sail boat provided land on either side longest river in the world Flooding Of The Nile three seons flooding season was when the river flooded, called 'Akhet' season, goes from mid july- October Peret season was when they planted the seeds, goes from November- Febuary Shemu seosen was when they harvested the seeds, went from March- June measured flooding with a Nilometre which showed the height river experts measured the river

Hyrogliphics was egyption form of writing had symbols as letters

Rosetta Stone stone which has two languages on it taught people how to read hyrogliphics found by french soldiers while rebuilding a fort in england carved in 196 BC found in 1799 AD found in village called rosetta in the delta

Pharo most important made sure that the Nile floods properly make sure there is enough food made sure that gods were kind made sure army could defend themselves Pharos married their releatives owned all farming land wore a red and white crown, a colona, a false beard, a croqk, a flal and a bulls tail

Advisers each pharo had a viser vizer lead government kept pharo informed about events head of each district reported to vizer vizers collected tax supervized irrigation looked over building projects

High Priests responsible for religous matters oversee buildings hold festivals and ceremonys

Military Commanders commanded army and navy reported to pharo created millitary strategy

Scribes could read and write hyrogliphics took 12 years to become one worked closely to pharo

Religion worshipped many gods and goddesses there were state, local and household gods each god had a different meaning some had special responsibilities often shown with animal head and human body

Tutankhamun ruled the 18th dynasty died when 18 ruled for 10 years tomb was discovered by Howard Cater in November 1922

Mummification body is taken into ibu and washed with palm wine all organs are removed body is covered in natron drys body out washed again in forty days organs are wrapped and put into canopic jars and are ther placed back into the body with sawdust, leaves ect.

Wrapping head and neck are wrapped in linen arms and legs are wrapped seperately amulets can be wrapped in layers a preist then reads out spells to prevent evil spirits arms and legs are tied together a scroll with spells is placed inbetween hands more linen strips are wrapped around body with liqued resin cloth is wrapped around body with the god orisis painted on it another large peice of cloth is wrapped around the body a board of wood is painted and then placed on top of the mummy and it is then lowered in to a coffin the coffin is then placed into a sarcophagus

Canopic Jars store organs from mummified bodies

Imsety - liver Hapy - lungs Baumtef - stomach Qbehenuef - intestines

River Nile

Rosseta Stone and Hyroglifics

Role of Pharos and Society

Religion and Tutankhamun


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