Erste Nomenklaturübung


Flashcards on Erste Nomenklaturübung, created by And Mat on 26/02/2019.
And Mat
Flashcards by And Mat, updated more than 1 year ago
And Mat
Created by And Mat over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Meth... 1 Kohlenstoffatom
Eth... 2 Kohlenstoffatome
Prop... 3 Kohlenstoffatome
But... 4 Kohlenstoffatome
Pent... 5 Kohlenstoffatome
Hex... 6 Kohlenstoffatome
Hept... 7 Kohlenstoffatome
Okt... 8 Kohlenstoffatome
Non... 9 Kohlenstoffatome
Deca... 10
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