Industrial Rev. Review


10th grade World History (Imperialsim) Flashcards on Industrial Rev. Review, created by Chloe Brown on 08/01/2018.
Chloe Brown
Flashcards by Chloe Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Brown
Created by Chloe Brown over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Causes of Industrial Rev. Agricultural Rev. Tech Rev. Enclosure Movement
Agricultural Rev. Increased productivity on farms, ensuring that less people died of starvation, ultimately increasing the population
Technological Rev. Many machines were invented, increasing productivity in many areas, and enticing entrepreneurs to invest their money in new business ventures
Enclosure Movement Land owners bought up the land, putting many farmers out of work, leaving them looking for a job
James Watt Invented the steam engine, which became the key power source of the Industrial Rev.
Joseph Lister Discovered how antiseptics prevented infection and urged surgeons to sterilize instruments
Jethro Tull Created seed drill, which allowed farmers to efficiently plant their crops, increasing the overall yield and ultimately helping to increase the population
Adam Smith Wrote, The Wealth of Nations, and thought that the best economic system was having a free market
Louis Pasteur Discovered that microbes caused disease in people, which lead to many vaccinations, as well as processees to kill microbes in drinks, such as milk
Corporation Businesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock
Enclosure Process by which small plots of land shared by peasant farmers was taken over and consolidated into larger plots owned by wealthier land owners
Canals Manmade waterways constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland
Urbanization Movement of people to cities
Labor Unions Workers organizations that help workers fight for things, like better wages and shorter work hours
Causes of Industrial Rev. in GB Many natural resources such as coal and iron; population necessary to fuel the industrial workforce; wealthy business class with the capital available to invest in growing industries
What did rapid urbanization cause Cities to grow quickly, dirty living conditions, overcrowding within cities
Middle Class Comprised of merchants, entrepreneurs, and inventors who all greatly benefitted from industrialization
Why were women employed more They did not have to be paid as much money as men
Why did people tolerate harsh woking conditions Working class families needed the money they made in the factories to survive; working class people could not unionize to make their conditions better
How did Jeremy Bentham feel Population growth would exceed the food supply causing mass starvation
Karl Marx Theorized proletariat would overthrow the middle class and create a classless society
Totalitarianism gov. system socialist countries usually have have
Capitalism Economic system democratic countries usually have
Capitalist society Means of production are privately owned
Bessemer process allowed people to turn iron into steel; which allowed for the creation of skyscrapers
Anesthesia relieved pain during surgeries, making patients more comfortable and less likely to go into shock; paralyzed people so they could not move during surgery, allowing doctors to experiment with new types of surgery
Henry Ford revolutionized the assembly line, drastically increasing productivity
Monopolies Destroy competition in order to control every aspect of an industry
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