A child with Down syndrome


Mind Map on A child with Down syndrome, created by Mohammad Alshammari on 18/09/2021.
Mohammad  Alshammari
Mind Map by Mohammad Alshammari, updated more than 1 year ago
Mohammad  Alshammari
Created by Mohammad Alshammari over 2 years ago

Resource summary

A child with Down syndrome
  1. Normal chromosomes
    1. DNA and histone proteins are packaged into structures called chromosomes
      1. 23 pairs = 46 chromosomes (2n)
    2. Chromosomal Abnormalities
      1. Numerical
        1. Structural
          1. Deletion
            1. Duplication
              1. Inversion
                1. Translocation
        2. Karyotyping
          1. Test to see and identify the chromosomes
            1. Arranged according to length , Banding and centromere location
              1. Other tests
                1. FISH
                  1. Chromosomal microarray
                2. Down syndrome karyotype
                3. Breaking bad news
                  1. These news negatively effect the patients health
                    1. Right methods of delivery
                      1. Don’t argue
                        1. Don’t ever try to lie
                          1. Prepare emotionally
                    2. a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome (21)
                      1. Complications
                        1. Neurocognitive
                          1. intellectual disability
                            1. Hypotonia
                              1. Growth
                                1. Microcephaly
                                  1. Short stature
                                    1. Increased weight in adolscence
                                  2. Hands and feet
                                    1. Brachydactyly
                                      1. Clinodactyly
                                        1. Single palmar crease
                                          1. Sandal gap
                                          2. Ears
                                            1. Eyes
                                              1. brushfield spots
                                                1. GI
                                                  1. TEF
                                                    1. Pyloric stenosis
                                                      1. Imperforate anus
                                                        1. duodeno arterias
                                                      2. Hearing loss
                                                    2. Risk factors
                                                      1. Advanced Maternal Age
                                                        1. Carrying Translocation Gene
                                                          1. Previous Child with Down Syndrome
                                                          2. management
                                                            1. Develop a care team that include
                                                              1. Medical specialists
                                                                1. Speech therapists
                                                                  1. physical therapists
                                                                    1. Behavioral therapists
                                                                  2. Effects of having a child with a disability
                                                                    1. Financial effects
                                                                      1. Psychological effects
                                                                        1. Social effects
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