Classification and diagnosis of SZ AQA


a-level Psychology (SZ) Mind Map on Classification and diagnosis of SZ AQA, created by annette Hendley on 07/01/2014.
annette Hendley
Mind Map by annette Hendley, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
annette Hendley
Created by annette Hendley over 10 years ago
annette Hendley
Copied by annette Hendley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Classification and diagnosis of SZ AQA
  1. Clinical characteristics
    1. Positive
      1. delusions
        1. control
          1. hallucinations
            1. disordered thinking
            2. Negative
              1. Affective flattening
                1. Alogia - speech
                  1. Avolition -goal
                2. Reliability
                  1. inter-rater - Carson 1991
                    1. AO2 - Whaley - 2001
                    2. test - retest - Wilks 2003
                      1. AO2 - Prescott 1986
                      2. AO2 - Mojtabi and Nicholson - 1994
                        1. AO2 Rosenhan 1973
                        2. Validity
                          1. comorbidity - Buckley 2009
                            1. AO2 Kessler 1994 - suicide risk
                              1. AO2 -Weber 2009 -medical complication
                              2. positive and negative symptoms - Klosterkotter 1994
                                1. prognosis - Bentall -1988 - little predictive validity
                                  1. AO2 - Harrison 2009
                                    1. AO2 - Ellason and Ross - 1995
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