Energy Transfer by Heating


Unit 1 Section 1
Callum Perera
Mind Map by Callum Perera, updated more than 1 year ago
Callum Perera
Created by Callum Perera about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Energy Transfer by Heating
  1. Infrared Radiation
    1. all objects emit infrared radiation
      1. can travel through vacumes
        1. part of the electromagnetic spectrum
          1. it is just beyond visible red light
          2. Surfaces and Radiation
            1. dark matt surfaces are good absorbers of infrared radiation
              1. they are also good emitters of infrared radiation
                1. light shiny surfaces are good reflectors of infrared radiation
                2. States of Matter
                  1. there are 3 different states
                    1. Solid, liquid, gas
                      1. Solid particles are close together vibrating on the spot
                        1. Gas particles are spread out and have a high mount of energy
                          1. Liquids are free to move to fill spaces and have more energy than solids as they move over each other
                          2. Conduction
                            1. mainly occurs in solids
                              1. most liquids and all gases are poor conductors
                                1. due to conduction heat and travel from one end of a solid to another
                                2. Convection
                                  1. Evaporation and Condenstaion
                                    1. Energy Transfer by design
                                      1. Specific heat capacity
                                        1. Heating and insulating buildings
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