Psychodynamic Therapy - Psychoanalysis


Everything you need to know about
Kate Howard
Note by Kate Howard, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Kate Howard
Created by Kate Howard about 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard about 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard about 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard about 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard about 9 years ago

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Psychodynamic Therapies

Therapy Description:Psychoanalysis:- The therapist helps the patient identify the issue in the unconscious.- The therapist draws a conclusion base on their interpretation.- They then work with the patient to examine the problem and talk it though. Revealing the problem can help stop the abnormality.This can be achieved with dream therapy:Patients are asked to keep a dream diary and hand it to the therapist. The therapist then has to identify dream content that is relevant to the abnormality. The therapist then reveals the cause for abnormality and the therapist talks it though.

Evaluation:Effective?De Matt reviewed psychoanalysis and concluded that it gives significant improvements that lasts a number of years. However Eysneck looked at 24 studies and found there is no difference between the treatment and spontaneous recovery. CultureThis therapy is only useful in open cultures like the UK or USA but not in closed cultures like China and Japan. This means the therapy is limited to western culture.SubjectiveThe therapist makes their own judgement of the situation and so, they may judge it as too minor or too major of an affect on abnormal behaviour. This means therapists would often disagree and so it is not a universal therapy that everyone can agree on.

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